I am Nonta! Welcome all!
The mascot of Higashi-Hiroshima Tourism  

Excursions: Higashi Hiroshima area
(60min. from Hiroshima city by bus, famous sake brewing district and the base of Hiroshima University Higashi-Hiroshima Campus)  
※Due to the adoption of a subsidized project by the Japan Tourism Agency, the participation fee will be waived.
<Notes on Participation>
This program is implemented by the Japan Tourism Agency with the consent of the conference organizer.
Delegates are requested to understand the following points before participating in the program.

・The secretariat will participate in the program.
・The secretariat will take photos, videos, and interviews of the participants during the program.
・Delegates are requested to answer the questionnaire survey conducted by the secretariat.
・The photos, videos, interviews, etc. obtained during the interviews may be used by the Japan Tourism Agency and Japan National Tourism Organization as public information or promotion purposes.

Date & Gathering Time: July 31, 2024  ( Wednesday 12:50
Departure Time:13:00               
Gathering Place: 1st Floor, Entrance of International Conference Center Hiroshima (The conference site)
Fee: Free (includes book lunch and dinner)
Registration will start at noon on July 5th.
Reservations are in first-come, first-served order.

Please choose one of the four courses and apply for it on our website.
Course 1 : Maximum 40       
(The conference Site~ NONT’s-SAKAGURA~ Saijo Sake Brewery Tour in the Kamotsuru /Saijotsuru Companies, Sake Brewery Walk~ Networking party~ Hiroshima Station/ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel)
Details of Course 1 
Take a brief break and see Saijo area products at the NONTA’s SAKAGURA, a Roadside Station.
Move to the Kamotsuru/Saijotsuru Sake Brewery Tours. During the tour, visitors will receive an explanation of the sake making process directly from the toji (a master brewer) and enjoy a sake tasting. Next, the sake Brewery Walk with Higashi-Hiroshima City sightseeing Volunteers, then move to the Networking Party at the 10th Floor of the Higashi-Hiroshima City Hall.

Please download Saijo Sake Brewery Street Walking Map A3English below
Course 2 : Maximum 20  
(The conference Site~ NONTA’s SAKAGURA~ Micro n Memory Japan, K.K. Plant Tour- Sake Brewery Walk~ Networking party~ Hiroshima Station/ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel )   
Details of Course 2  
After the NONTA’s SAKAGURA, move to Micron Memory Japan, K.K. Plant.
As this is a plant for cutting-edge semiconductor products, applications must be submitted in advance and security checks will be conducted on the day of the visit. Cell phones, computers, etc. will be prevented from being photographed by placing a sticker on the camera part.  
After visiting the plant, walk to the sake Brewery Street, then join the Networking Party at the 10th Floor of the Higashi-Hiroshima City Hall.
Course 3 : Maximum 20  
(The conference Site~ NONTTA’s SAKAGURA~ SATAKE CORPORATION Plant Tour~ Sake Brewery Walk~ Networking party~ Hiroshima Station/ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel )   
Details of Course 3  
After the NONTA’s SAKAGURA, move to SATAKE CORPORATION Plant Tour, the company that developed Japan's first rice-polishing machine and contributed to the birth of "Ginjo-shu" Japanese first-class sake alcohol. Optical sorting machines for sorting good and bad raw materials are used in 150 countries around the world,and tour the factory.
After visiting the plant, walk to the sake Brewery Street, then join the Networking Party at the 10th Floor of the Higashi-Hiroshima City Hall.
Course 4 : Maximum 20  
(The conference Site~ NONTA’s SAKAGURA~ the Aki-Kokubunji temple~ Sake Brewery Walk~ Networking party~ Hiroshima Station/ANA Crowne Plaza Hotel )   
Details of Course 4  
After the NONTA’s SAKAGURA, move to the Aki-Kokubunji temple, a Shingon Buddhist temple built about 1,300 years ago. This temple stands quietly in downtown Higashi-Hiroshima, a place of prayer filled with peace and tranquility. You can enjoy experience Zazen (Zen meditation) and Scent pouch making. Participants choose their favorite fragrance from eight scents to create a unique, personalized scent bag. Then walk to the sake Brewery Street, then join the Networking Party at the 10th Floor of the Higashi-Hiroshima City Hall.
Networking party at the 10th floor of Higashi- Hiroshima City Hall Restaurant/Observation from 17:00-19:00.     
From the observation deck restaurant, you can see the chimneys of unique sake breweries in Saijo.
Enjoy sake and food along with sake tasting. Environmentally friendly paper plates will be primarily used as well as used tumblers made from domestic thinned wood and have a Green social gathering with consideration for SDG's.

Leave:Higashi-Hiroshima City Hall 19:00
Arrive:Hiroshima Station at 19:50 -Kamiya-cho area at 20:05 – ANA Crowne Hotel at 20:20